AltWalker Model Visualizer for VS Code

We’re excited to announce that we recently added a Visual Studio Code extension to AltWalker. Through this extension, we want to help users to both edit and visualize JSON models within the VS Code.  How it can help you AltWalker Model Visualizer is an open-source extension that comes to help everyone who writes and executes… read more

Writing tests with BDD

1. The four Ws of BDD

1.1. What ?
BDD (Behaviour-Driven Development) is a concept in which acceptance tests are written as examples that anyone on the team can understand. The process of writing those examples is a collaborative effort of the developers, testers, and the business owner (“los tres amigos”). They decide together if the thing they set out to be built is the right one, before starting implementing it. In doing so, a deliberate effort to develop a shared, ubiquitous language (used and understood by everyone involved in the project) for talking about the system is created.
BDD scenarios are built around…

How to use an iPhone packaging box to make an iPhone testing sled

While testing an iPhone application that is part of a bigger solution developed by teams in different locations, I came across a few issues that made me look into some of the available options for recording the application in use on a real iPhone and I decided to try to build my own testing sled using parts I already had around the office. It turned out that the original iPhone packaging had everything I needed.

Selenium, XPath and Internet Explorer – Painfully Slow?

I’ve been using RobotFramework with its Selenium Library for web automation for quite a while now and have always had the problem of getting any scripts that use XPath run on Internet Explorer.

For some web applications, if they’re not too complex and don’t use a lot of Ajax, you might be able to run scripts that use XPath on Internet Explorer and actually have them finish in this lifetime. But most of the time, they won’t.
So I googled it. I found out that a lot of other people have googled it and a lot of them have complained on different forums. I’ve also found out that Selenium uses “AJAXSLT” as its default XPath library, which has a lot of performance issues on IE, and that the trick is to change this to the much faster javascript-xpath library.
However …

Setting up your environment for Flash/Flex Automation

Before going into details about some of the tools mentioned in the previous post, we thought it would be a good idea to start with what you need to do to get your environment ready for Flex/Flash automation. There’s a lot of information out there but there isn’t a place that walks you through the entire process – so we decided to write everything down and try to make it easier for other users.
Here is what you need to get started: …