This year at CeBIT we presented three testing tools that we’ve developed for some of our projects.
We always look for smart new ways to test and that is why we have built tools specific to our needs. Here are three of the testing tools we’ve used so far successfully on several projects.
AltTap—a smart testing robot
We have improved AltTap, our touch automation robot, with more features and stronger capabilities. In this video, we are testing an IoT system with push-buttons and touchscreens.
Compared to last year’s version, we have changed the controlling unit of the robotic arm from an Arduino to a Raspberry Pi. We have also added the option to control the robotic arm remotely through a web API. The controller and the API are both developed in D language.
AltTap is particularly useful when testing embedded systems with a custom OS and other devices where interaction with both buttons and touchscreens is necessary.
AltRunner—a mobile automation tool for running tests through Appium on multiple mobile devices
If you do automated tests through Appium on mobile devices, you know how annoying it is to do the setup every time, for every device. AltRunner does this setup automagically whenever you plug in a device. You can also run tests in parallel on multiple devices. It In its enhanced reporting module you can investigate failed tests. AltRunner has been a huge time-saver for several projects where we do cross-platform automation tests.
WebUI Checker – a Selenium library for visual UI checking using screenshot comparison technology
We are launching this tool very soon as an open-source JAVA library for Selenium tests. We wanted to make it easy to check the rendering part of a web page in addition to Selenium scripts that verify the functionality. That’s why we’ve built WebUI Checker. You can set baseline screenshots of an element, of a viewport or of a full page of your web application and then compare current screenshots against the baseline. The report shows you three images side by side: the baseline screenshot, the current screenshot and a third image with the two screenshots overlaid and the mismatching pixels highlighted in red. Drop us a line if you’d like to try the beta version.
We’ve got other testing tools in the oven. Subscribe to our blog to get our updates.
I would like to participate in those beta version of webUI tests 🙂
Hi Michal, thank you for expressing interest in the WebUI Checker. I’ve added you to the beta access list and you’ll hear from us in a few weeks.