James Bach on Testing – 1 day workshop in Cluj-Napoca – Romania.

I am happy to announce that James Bach will be hosting a workshop on testing on October 25th in Cluj Napoca. Here you can find more information and register for this event.
We also encourage anyone who isn’t from Cluj-Napoca/Romania to contact us if they want to take part in the workshop – I am confident we can help them find reasonable options for accommodation.

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2 responses to “James Bach on Testing – 1 day workshop in Cluj-Napoca – Romania.

  1. There are 2 things that I liked most:
    1. James is very passionate about what he does and it feels great to see people that really love testing and that are good at it. It’s really really motivating!!
    2. The pattern exercise. I think about it now each time I attempt to identify the reproduction steps for a bug.

    Probably I’ll add more in the things that I liked most list during the following days 🙂

  2. The workshop was awesome!

    James Bach offered us a view on how many bugs could be behind the box in which we live and think due to certain rules and standards…

    …and the last slide was ritghfully conclusioning all of these, i.e “That’s why I love testing!”

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