Volunteering for CITCON 2016

The Continuous Integration and Testing Conference, abbreviated as CITCON, is an OpenSpace non-profit conference which for ten years has been organized in various cities around the globe. Currently, each year there are four editions taking place on four continents: Europe, America, Asia and Australia & New Zealand. The previous editions in Europe took place in London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris, London again, Budapest, Turin, Zagreb, Helsinki and this year in Cluj-Napoca.

EuroSTAR Test Lab 2015

This November I attended the EuroSTAR Conference. The conference takes place once a year in different cities of Europe, and gathers around thousand people interested in testing. I was involved in running the Test Lab. Further on I will write about the Test Lab, in general and this year’s EuroSTAR Test Lab in particular, and then in the second part I’ll share how I felt at the conference and my takeaways. I will also insert the names and twitter handles of testers connected to the topics of this blog post, because I think that being aware of the ideas shared outside our workplace bubble, plays an important role in our career development.