2015 in words. And pictures.

The first month of every year is for presenting both retrospections and resolutions. We are starting with the retrospective, to remember how beautiful and challenging our 2015 was.

We’ll start with one of our dearest parts, besides our passion, testing: the people. We are very glad to have gained seven new colleagues: Melinda, Timea, Denisa and Cristian in our testing team, Monica as our marketing enthusiast, Ionut as our sys admin and Jan as business developer in Scandinavia. We are also happy that our old colleagues decided to continue their journey with us.

As for the testing side, we are proud to have finished some interesting projects and gain new clients, which put their trust in us. And we didn’t disappoint them, more than this, we became friends. We are also happy that our range of services can be all covered due to the complexity of the clients and projects that we were involved in.

It is known that we are keen to learn something new every day and we like to share our knowledge with others. So we did our best in sharing: our colleagues Ru, Alexandra, Gabi and Alex were BBST instructors throughout the year and, in Autumn, James Bach was our guest in Cluj for the Rapid Software Testing and Rapid Software Testing for Managers courses. We are glad to have met testers from all over Romania, but also Hungary and Czech Republic.

The hackathon we are very proud of is the one in which we built our famous black boxes, that even  James Lynsday is congratulating us for.

Besides the courses that we have organized/ attended, an important activity for the Altoms was the attendance to conferences: Mobile World Congress, Testing Cup, Belgium Testing Days, Copenhagen Context, CeBIT, TITAN, CITCON, Tabara de Toamna, IMWorld, EuroSTAR, AppsWorld London.

We like to keep ourselves fit and healthy, so whether we are talking about marathons, bicycle competitions, walking, skiing or playing frisbee, we enjoy being active.

Another tradition that we’ll keep for 2016 for sure are the Friday lunches: having lunch together helps the team grow stronger.

We present you our photostory:


2016, be at least as awesome as 2015! 🙂

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