Let’s meet @TechXLR8
12-13 June 2019 London Tech Week
We are exhibiting at TECHXLR8, a flagship event of London Tech Week. Here you will find us showcasing our smart testing tools, specialized courses and software testing expertize.
[Update 2022] AltUnity Tester becomes AltTester Unity SDK starting with v. 1.8.0 and similarly, AltUnity Inspector becomes AltTester Desktop starting with v. 1.5.0 and they are both available here.
This comes with a series of major changes:
1. AltTester Unity SDK is now available only through our website and is no longer available on the Unity Asset Store
2. We moved the AltTester Unity SDK project from GitLab to GitHub.
Read more about all the major changes in this article and join our Discord Server, if you have any questions or issues with AltTester!
What we do
We offer high-quality software testing services, everything from functional software testing to custom tool development. We cover the full spectrum of software testing services and adapt our approach for every situation.
Who are we searching for
We have experience in many industries such as retail, app and game development, healthcare, financial, travel and many more. Our knowledge and tools let us find creative solutions for emerging industries such as wearable technologies, smart home devices and VR/AR products.
Tools presented @TechXLR8
We like to come up with new use cases for our smart testing tools at every event we attend. We can tell you what tools we’re bringing but you’ll have to come by to discover our showcase.
AltWalker is an open source, Model-based testing framework for automating your test execution. You design your tests as a directional graph and AltWalker executes them. It relies on Graphwalker to generate paths through your tests graph. You can find the tool at Python Software Foundation.
AltTap’s special power is that of performing automated tests on any type of touchscreen device, even where it’s not possible to interact programmatically with the application. It simulates a human tester by using a more complex stylus to perform click or swipe actions on a touchscreen and push actions on physical buttons.
TurnTable is a tool that simulates various movements. It can tilt while rotating, to simulate some of the head movements when testing specific scenarios for a VR application. It can also rotate at various angles (up to 360°) so that we can test an app for panoramic photos.
AltUnity Testers allows users to identify objects in a game or application developed with Unity 3D. Our tool is open source so you can find it on the Unity Asset Store.
Are you developing great products?
Meet us at TechXLR8, 12-13 June 2019 and see our showcase.
or call +40 371 426 297